
Novedades de English Homeland(anteriores a 2023) - Página 2

Encuentra aquí las últimas novedades de English Homeland, tu academia de inglés en Santiago de Compostela y Milladoiro.

15 jul

Differences between JOB, WORK, CAREER

15/07/2021 Tips for improving your written and oral english

JOB: A job is a regular and official activity that you do, and receive money for. It is also called a profession or an occupation. It can be full-time or part-time - She has a great job - Being a doctor is a very demanding job -This is the best job I have ever had - I love this job even though it is part- time   WORK: The word work is more general than "job" - whereas "job" is a specific occupation, "work" refers to general efforts and activities done to accomplish a goal. - I won´t be ...

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5 jul

Prepositions of place: ON/IN/AT

05/07/2021 Tips for improving your written and oral english

ON: For a point on a surface: On the table On the floor For a position along a river, coast, lake...: On the west coast of the province On the left bank of the river For a floor in a building: On the third floor For a public transport: On the bus On the train   IN: For enclosed spaces: In the house In the garden In a box For workplaces seen as a location: In the office In a hospital For countries and cities: In Barcelona In Japan For class: In class   AT: At a particu...

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24 jun


24/06/2021 Tips for improving your written and oral english

Future simple:  I will go //  I won´t go // Will you go? We use future simple to speak about a one-time, unplanned future action: - The weather will be great in August - They won´t find the keys - The guests will arrive after lunch - Will you come with us?   Future perfect: I will have gone // I won´t have gone // Will you have gone? We use the future perfect to refer to actions finished before a future time: - She will have finished her thesis by august - They will have had lunch wh...

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9 jun

Open Courses for the summer

09/06/2021 Summer courses

Abierto plazo de matrícula para cursos intensivos en verano (Julio & Agosto) - Preparación intensiva para títulos oficiales B1 B2 C1 de Cambridge, Trinity, Aptis, EOI.. etc - Recuperaciones para exámenes de septiembre (Selectividad incluída) - Clases de conversación para niñ@s y adultos de todas las edades   *Plazas limitadas sujetas al número de alumn@s permitidos por clase.  

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4 jun

Distinguishing similar verbs like MISS & LOSE

04/06/2021 Tips for improving your written and oral english

MISS: We miss something we might have got and we didn´t finally get, so we: - Miss a bus  - Miss the train - Miss a plain - Miss the chance - Miss an opportunity - Miss a call - Miss a shot - Miss the ball   LOSE: We lose something we had and we no longer have, so we: - Lose our appetite - Lose an object - Lose weight - Lose interest - Lose a match or game - Lose our head - Lose track of time - Lose our keys  

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